It has been awhile since we have posted news regarding our game developments. This does not mean we have been sitting back and watching TV, eating Moon pies and drinking RC cola. We have been hard at work in developing two more games! The first game we want to tell you about is Mars Mayhem. Have you ever wanted to visit Mars? Now will be your chance because MARS needs your help! The game consists of five sectors, each with their own unique characteristics. Your job is to fly the lander to different resupply points within each sector. Sounds easy, right? 😉 The working back story is this.

Here are some concept images for the native Martian. Although, these mock-ups look cartoonish, the actual Mars Mayhem game is not. What is your favorite color? We want to know!

We hope to post game play video soon as well as screen shots from the game. We can hardly wait to send you out of this world.
Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on everything we are creating. Also, subscribe to our newsletter.
In addition to the two new game developments we have, of course, continued to update Fliggles Rescue Adventure. We have exciting news to mention regarding Fliggles but that will happen at a later date.
Please check back often for updates. We intend to be much more regular in sharing news, fantastically fun news!